Saturday, January 5, 2013

Work for OMG! Magazine

During my time at OMG! Magazine, I had the pleasure of writing a variety of articles ranging from film reviews to business profiles. Since the publications has since folded, I've filed them all here for your convenience. Enjoy. (Click to enlarge for reading)

FILM Review: Andrew Haigh's Weekend
This was my first article with OMG! It is a preview of 2011's trendiest movie in gay cinema, "Weekend." I had the opportunity to interview its director, Andrew Haigh, for a unique perspective into the motion picture. This article ran in the May 2011 issue.

VIP - Always Evolving: Josh Robbins and BNA Talent Group
My first of two pieces from the July 2011 issue of OMG!, I got to interview a highly motivated and successful young professional. Josh Robbins also agreed to respond to a unique Q&A/short answer section which was used in the side bar. Obviously I was not pleased with the white-on-white design choice for the articles first paragraph.

FILM Review - You Should Meet My Son
I'm very lucky to have been given an advanced copy of this movie for review and critique. It is an underground gem. As I noted, look past the low budget, and the gay comedy will leave you in stitches. This article also ran in the July 2011 issue.

FILM Review - The Family Tree
Though I wasn't as enthralled with this movie, it still earned a favorable rating. It gave me an opportunity to be more critical. The piece was really fun to write, as I littered it with puns - hopefully not going overboard in this September 2011 article.

VIP - Vince Foster: Doing It All By Day And Night
I had a lot of fun interviewing Vince. He's a very lively and high-spirited person. This article ran in the November 2011 issue of OMG! Mag, my last with the publication.

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