Monday, August 6, 2018

GLASA Softball Email Marketing Campaigns

Starting in September of 2017, I was elected to the Executive Board of The Greater Los Angeles Softball Association as a Division Representative. One of the initiatives I've championed in that role is greater league-wide communication to members. At the start of the 2018 Spring season, I launched the GLASA Email Newsletter. Not only has it been well received for internal communication, but it's also been an effective recruiting tool for potential new members.

GLASA 2018 Newsletters

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Part of the Team at Antidote Magazine

I am proud to announce that I have begun work with Antidote Magazine's Sound Advisory. The editors of the Ottawa, Ontario metropolitan lifestyle guide recruited me to join their talented writers after reading my work on ANS Music. I'll be spearheading their efforts to grow readership in the United States in addition to producing quality content for their Sound Advisory music section and editing copy for the publication's other subject areas. One way in which I can uniquely contribute is with my experience in covering live music events in cities not easily accessible from Ottawa. I've already started doing so for the Sound Advisory team and you can read my live review of Sigur Ros in Toronto and Zola Jesus in Pittsburgh, my journal entry about preparing for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, and my future entries on my Antidote author page.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Nasty Surprise Partners with The Buried Tapes

LFM Communications and A Nasty Surprise Music Blog have partnered with The Buried Tapes to bring even more up-and-coming music to our readers and the music blogosphere at large. The agreement between the two blogging sites will give readers both original posts and shared posts from contributors to both A Nasty Surprise and The Buried Tapes.

“This is an exciting partnership that will not only allow us to give more exposure to emerging musical talents, but it also allows us to grow our readership,” said Lucas Mariano, the Managing Editor of A Nasty Surprise. “We will be able to achieve these goals with the large amount of quality content for which this agreement allows.” 

You can read the exciting new content about your favorite artists and the newest music on and

Saturday, January 26, 2013

UNITE Magazine

I'm thrilled to announce that I have been asked to lend my abilities to UNITE Magazine and will begin serving as the start-up publication's Copy Editor immediately. The bi-monthly magazine will cater to the LGBT community in the Nashville area with plans to expand it's reach into Knoxville. We'll be focusing on lifestyles such as arts, music, dining, travel, fitness and more. The venture is headed by Joey Amato with whom I previously worked as an Associate Editor for OMG! Magazine.

UNITE is targeting a March 1 launch and is seeking contributors and staff ranging from writers and photographers to designers and promoters. I look forward to working with Joey and his team. Nashville has long been one of my favorite cities, and I embrace the opportunity to help highlight what makes it great while making UNITE Magazine the regional source for LGBT entertainment.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Work for OMG! Magazine

During my time at OMG! Magazine, I had the pleasure of writing a variety of articles ranging from film reviews to business profiles. Since the publications has since folded, I've filed them all here for your convenience. Enjoy. (Click to enlarge for reading)

FILM Review: Andrew Haigh's Weekend
This was my first article with OMG! It is a preview of 2011's trendiest movie in gay cinema, "Weekend." I had the opportunity to interview its director, Andrew Haigh, for a unique perspective into the motion picture. This article ran in the May 2011 issue.

VIP - Always Evolving: Josh Robbins and BNA Talent Group
My first of two pieces from the July 2011 issue of OMG!, I got to interview a highly motivated and successful young professional. Josh Robbins also agreed to respond to a unique Q&A/short answer section which was used in the side bar. Obviously I was not pleased with the white-on-white design choice for the articles first paragraph.

FILM Review - You Should Meet My Son
I'm very lucky to have been given an advanced copy of this movie for review and critique. It is an underground gem. As I noted, look past the low budget, and the gay comedy will leave you in stitches. This article also ran in the July 2011 issue.

FILM Review - The Family Tree
Though I wasn't as enthralled with this movie, it still earned a favorable rating. It gave me an opportunity to be more critical. The piece was really fun to write, as I littered it with puns - hopefully not going overboard in this September 2011 article.

VIP - Vince Foster: Doing It All By Day And Night
I had a lot of fun interviewing Vince. He's a very lively and high-spirited person. This article ran in the November 2011 issue of OMG! Mag, my last with the publication.

About LFM Comm

LFM Communications is the professional portal for writer, editor and media enthusiast, Lucas Mariano. That's me. I'm available for writing and editing opportunities both permanent and freelance. You can reach me for more information here.

I earned my B.A. in Journalism from The Pennsylvania State University as a distinguished graduate in 2009, and quickly began working for high profile clients as an Editor at With more than 500 newspapers receiving daily weather pages from AccuWeather, I learned early on how to quickly and efficiently proof copy and graphics for grammar, style and accuracy based upon internal and external guidelines. Some of the publications for which I have edited include:

  • The New York Times
  • The Washington Post
  • The Pittsburgh Post Gazette
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The Boston Globe
  • The Orlando Sentinel
  • The Dallas Morning News
  • The Chicago Sun Times
  • The Toronto Star
  • The London Daily Telegraph
  • The Irish Times
  • The Japan Times
  • The Cleveland Plain Dealer
  • The Minneapolis Star Tribune

Throughout much of 2011, I contributed a number of articles to OMG! Magazine that ranged from business profiles to film reviews. During this time I also served as the publication's Associate Editor and Copy Editor. I continue to copy edit both on a freelance and permanent basis. In early 2013 I joined UNITE Magazine as the bi-monthly's Copy Editor.

Currently, I manage the music blog and do freelance copy editing. Please contact me if you would like to contribute to my blog or have a need for a freelance writer or copy editor.